Short Bio

I am a designer by trade, artist by passion, and a momma of 4 everywhere in between.  I live in the Western suburbs with my husband where we manage our little zoo and try to figure out how to navigate life as a family of 6.  And I must create or I will wither.   Even before I can remember, I was drawing on the walls of the apartment I grew up in. As I grew older, I took every art class available to me and invested so much of my free time creating beautiful art.  And when it came time to choose a profession, there was no choice for me but to do something where I could create.  I have always been interested in how constraints shape artistic expression, and now I've been able to experience this first hand.  My busy life has pushed me to find mediums that work in between the beautiful chaos I've created.  My latest creations allow me to work in 15 minute intervals if that's all I have that day.  It combines my love of water color's spontaneity and fluidity and the repetition and order of crochet. And most importantly, it inspires me!